Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy 3rd birthday!

I can't believe you both are 3 already!  It has gone by so quickly! 
On the 9th we took Kiptyn to the allergist and here were his stats from then:
Height: 39.5 inches
Weight: 38.2 pounds
 Turns out we just need to avoid strawberries and the adhesives on band aids.  All the histamines in the strawberries make you have a reaction, so we need to avoid it for now.
 On your birthday, we dropped Haley off at school and then drove daddy to work.  After we dropped daddy off, we went to the bounce house to play!  You had a blast!  You loved going down the slide bounce!  You must have done it 25 times.  You also enjoyed playing in the house and going down the pole like a firefighter.  You did an awesome job!  You played on the bar too and did some flips!  You will be a great gymnast just like Haley.  After we left the bounce house, we went to pick up daddy from work and then drove to Mimi and Papi's to pick up Haley.  We ended up eating a spaghetti lunch there and then you got to open your presents!  They gave you a cute dress outfit and an awesome dragon!  You have not put that dragon down since then!  We went home for naps and you took a good nap with your dragon!  When you woke up we went to go visit Kylie and give her the fresh, beautiful flowers we got for her.  We blew her some kisses and took a couple pictures.  We then drove to Cafe Ima for an early dinner because Papi had to go to rehearsal.  You brought your dragon with you to dinner too!  You were so into the chef cooking in front of you and the fire!  You loved the onion volcano.  You shared a meal with Papi.  The best party was that you caught the piece of chicken that the chef threw into your mouth!  It was great.  After dinner we went to Baskin Robbins to get an ice cream cake, but they didn't have the kind we wanted so we went in and just had a cup of ice cream.  You had mango yogurt and loved every last bite of it.  We then went to bed to get ready for Kylie Day at mainly music. 
Kiptyn- you have grown into such a great young toddler!  You have made mommy and daddy so proud with the boy you have become.  Your personality is one of a kind and there isn't a day you don't make people around you laugh.  You are funny, sweet and loving.  You love following around Haley and playing the things she plays with.  You love to watch many shows on the Ipad and you are great at playing matching games!  You get so excited over everything, it is great to see.  Keep that up!  You have a good arm for throwing balls!  You say the funniest and cutest things!  On your birthday, you told Mimi to sing to you!  Then you had her sing to Ky Ky too.  We thank you for keeping your twin sister in your life and sharing your special day with her!  We know you miss her just as much as we do.  You are the center of attention everywhere you go!  You also don't stop talking!  We love you very much.  You are a great joy in our lives and we thank you for keeping us on our toes. 

Kylie-we miss you everyday.  There isn't a day that goes by that we aren't thinking about you.  We know that you had a huge party up there in Heaven with all your friends and relatives.  I hope you got some great presents as well.  You have done so much for all of us and brought us great joy as well, just in different ways.  Mommy loves the joy that singing for you every Tuesday brings to her.  Haley loves talking about you.  Kiptyn is definitely making up for you not being physically with us.  Thank you for being our little angel and watching over us.  We wouldn't be as strong if you weren't there for us each and every day.  Happy birthday sweet girl and we love you and miss you with all of our hearts.  xxoo

I will post some pictures soon hopefully.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Stationery Card

Front And Center Thank You Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday!

I have been really bad about posting blogs this past year and I feel bad but thats what happens when Kiptyn is around!  Here are some pictures from Kiptyn and Kylie's birthday party this past year, where they turned 2!!  We had an Elmo and Abby themed party for them, Kiptyn loves Elmo, so it was only fitting that Kylie would love Abby!  The cakes/cupcakes are above that took all night long!  Kylie also got some new white roses at her headstone and some balloons from the party.

We didn't get any pictures at the party, or of K with the cake, so I had to reenact it on Tuesday when we went to music to celebrate Kylie day at music!  We sang all animal songs that day and I made mini cupcakes again in her celebration!  It was a good day.

Happy very late 2nd birthday Kiptyn and Kylie!  Love you both very much.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

A butterfly for Kylie

Kiptyn and I went to a remembrance ceremony at Fairfax Hospital that they have once a year and a sweet family donated butterflies for all of the families to let go to our babies.  The butterfly went right to Kiptyn and his face was just priceless, as you can see.

Just one more way we remember our sweet Kylie.  She is never forgotten in our minds or hearts.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

For Ky Ky

You were a gift sent straight from Heaven.
Given to us from God above.
We didn't know how much you would teach us
About the meaning of true love...
For true love sometimes means letting go
Of someone precious and dear.
That is what we were forced to do...
Although we wanted to keep you here!!!
However, this is quite a selfish wish.
One we know we should ignore...
But, sweet Kylie, we truly do believe
That God must have needed you more...
Perhaps to be an Angel now,
Full of wisdom and love...
Watching over those of us who love you
From the shining stars above.
We miss you more than you can know.
You will never be replaced...
In our hearts and memories forever,
Will be your sweet and innocent sleeping face.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Kiptyn and Kylie!


I am a day late, but I was preparing for your party. I wanted to wish you two a happy first birthday! We are so proud of how far you have come. You are such a big boy now! You can crawl so fast, we can barely catch you! You are such a fearless little boy, you are going to make us work hard to keep up with you and your adventures. I am ready for it! You have come so far from a little tiny 6 pound 9 ounce baby! You are the light of our days, your smile just makes everything so much better. Thank you for being such a joy to our lives. We look forward to the little boy that you will turn into and can't wait to hear what you sound like when you start talking our ears off! Mommy and daddy love you so much and we are so glad to have you as our lil boy. Happy 1st Birthday! xxoo


Mommy and Daddy


Happy first birthday our sweet angel. We hope that you had a great party up there with all your family and friends. We also hope you joined us for your party here. We really hope you got to experience a cake like your brother did! We miss you so much, but there isn't a day that goes by that we don't think about you. We wish you were still here with us, but we know that you are just in another way. We wish that you could play with your brother and sister, we would love to see how you all interacted. We wonder if you would be walking, as fearless as your brother, or even as big as he is! We think that your smile and laugh would be just as cute and entertaining truly as Kiptyn's. I hope that you are watching over us and making sure we are all safe. You are our lil angel and our baby girl. You always will be. We miss you and hope that you are well taken care of up there looking down on us. Happy 1st birthday baby girl. xxoo


Mommy and Daddy

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July baby girl.

We did a walk to remember our sweet Kylie on the 4th of July. Here are two pictures from it. She was with us in spirit.

Miss you Ky Ky. xxoo
Mommy, daddy, Haley and Kiptyn

You should've had a dress on that looks like Haleys.